Sunday 19 October 2008

27 weeks 4 days

If i get the delivery date i want it will be exactly ten weeks until my c-section come tomorrow!! All being well of course. The baby was really confusing the guinea pigs today. I had them on my lap for cuddles and the baby was kicking them. Ha ha!

I've still only put on 10lbs so far. I will likely get weighed at my next diabetic appointment on 30th, so i am sure they will inform me if i am not putting enough on. I am certain it's because i had weight to spare to begin with.

Sunday dinner was nice. We went to a pub nearby with a couple of friends and it was a nice afternoon. They also let me take photographs of them, which was great! It was just a shame because the lighting was pretty crap with the day being cloudy and overcast.

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