Saturday 4 October 2008

25 weeks 3 days

I think the diabetes thing may have been a fluke... My levels have been pretty low constantly. The only time they were highish was yesterday when i ate a pasty, gingerbread man and a big double chocolate cookie for my lunch, followed by 4 small cookies and a glass of whole milk for a snack. It was 6.6 before my evening meal then, but by 2 hours after my evening meal it was 4 point something.

On the other hand, my husband had a level of 8.1 two hours after the evening meal, which could indicate that he's diabetic. He's got tons of the other symptoms as well and has been going to the doctors with random health complaints for months and each of them is on the list of symptoms!

The kick counting is going well and baby is remaining active, thankfully. I'd go insane if this baby was a calm one! A girl who was having her glucose tolerance test at the same time as me said that she was 28 weeks and she only ever felt flutters now and again. I'd go crackers!!

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