Monday 16 June 2008

9 weeks 1 day

I'm on the edge of my seat all the time because one of my best friends had her babies on Friday at 27 weeks. They are girl and boy twins and both seemed to be doing fine, but she went into early labour and they couldn't stop it. They are in special care at the moment and are fighting like troopers and we all just have to keep on hoping and praying for the best! I'm terrified for her and i just wasnt to be there to help. I know if would only be in the way, but i know how she feels because i've been there. At least her babies prognosis' are better than my sons by far. I know how it feels to see your little one in special care though. Hooked up to machines and looking all frail and not being able to hold them. I know how it feels to barely be able to move because of your c-section incision, but all you want to do is stand next to your baby's cot to look at him.

Urgh!!!! Why do the people who deserve this the most always get shit on??????

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