Sunday 28 September 2008

24 weeks 4 days

I'm booooooooored!

There's nothing going on on the Internet and there's nothing on the telly. I've eaten loads of pickled onions and drank milk and i've tidied out my wardrobe ready fro my sister to collect it and there's nothing else to doooooooo. Actually, there's probably loads to do, but nothing that i feel like doing.

I could read my book, but i don't fancy it. I could start the quilts i'm making for my friends twins, but it's too late in the day for that. I could do some scrapbooking, but i can't be naffed to make a mess with it. I've already played with the guinea pigs for a while.

Suppose i should get my clothes ready for my penultimate day at work tomorrow. EEEP! I'm so excited about finishing work!!! In the morning i'm going for my glucose tolerance test, so i have to fast from 10pm tonight. Then i'm at work in the afternoon and i have to sort out the files on my computer so that people can find stuff they need once i'm not there anymore. Then Tuesday is my last day, but i'm starting work at 8.30am, leaving at 10am for my fetal specialist appointment and then going back after that for the last couple of hours.

I've been doing research about bedrest and low laying placentas. I need to feel confident that when i see the fetal specialist on Tuesday he is covering all bases and checks me for vasa praevia again as well as checking out my placental position and the growth rate of the baby. I suppose i could write down my list of questions that i have in my head, then that will organise them and i will make sure that i don't miss anything off. Yeah, that's what i'll do. Something constructive!

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