Thursday 17 July 2008

14 weeks 1 day

It's the conference at work tomorrow so i've been planning for that all week. It should be really good! I'm taking the photographs, which i will really enjoy and it will keep me occupied while everyone else is getting pissed and lairy.

I'm up quite late to say i'm a preggo. It's quarter to 11 so i should definately be in bed, but i have just updated my journal and i'm not that tired yet. Well, i am tired, but i'm not arsed about going to bed yet. I hope i manage to stay up quite late tomorrow. I need to make sure i get some amusing drunken pictures! Ha! I hope a 4GB is enough storage for photos. If not though i'll just have to transfer them to my laptop when my CF cards get full.

My guinea pig is looking pregnant. She has two bumps on either sides of her that she didnt have before. It's not definate yet though, i suppose i'll have to wait a couple of weeks before it's certain, bless her. She's so cute!!

I've been relatively worry free this week really. I've heard the heartbeat a few times with my doppler and that has tide me over. Plus i've been busy thinking about the conference, so i haven't had time to worry! My next appointment with the midwife is on Friday.

It should only be two weeks at the most until i'm definately feeling the baby. I've had a few pokes here and there, but nothing to convince me 100% that it's the baby yet. I'm not wishing to time away though. I'm looking forward to it, but still cherishing each day i wake up and i'm still pregnant. :o)

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