I just threw up! We had fajitas followed by ice cream for tea and when i'd almost finished my ice cream i suddenly came over really sick and ran upstairs and barfed! I usually don't barf when pregnant, so this is really unusual!
Straight away i felt better and i went to use my doppler to check on the heartbeat and there it was, so all is okay. Phew!
What is particularly funny (or not), is that i will be 24 weeks 6 days pregnant on Tuesday, which is 3 days away. Last time i was pregnant, with our daughter, she was stillborn at 24 weeks 6 days pregnant and a couple of days prior to loosing her i had gastroenteritis. I feel completely fine now, so i'm hoping it's not gastroenteritis again. That would be awful.
December feels like a million years away, but at the same time it's sooooo close! The shops have their Christmas stuff out already and i've started my Christmas shopping. I want to have it all done as soon as possible so that it's one less thing to worry about come December!
This next couple of months are going to be busy! I'm finishing work on Tuesday for maternity leave, but we have someone coming to fit a new bathroom and change our boiler to a combi. I've got new bedroom furniture coming for our room and we need to decorate the nursery. My husband is putting the finishing touches to the wall he's been building out front and i've got loads of correspondence to catch up on! Busy busy busy! :o) I hope i don't have to put myself on bedrest cause i'll be buggered!
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