Tuesday, 23 September 2008

23 weeks 6 days

I hit the point of viability tomorrow! Or, should i say the baby hits the point of viability tomorrow, which is a milestone! At least that means that if i go into labour early and they can't stop it they will try to save him or her. So that's a huge thing!

I'm so tired right now, i almost went to bed, but i made myself stay up a bit longer and type this as a point of principal. It's only 20 past 10 and i'm not even at work tomorrow, so i should be staying up! There's nothing much going on online though and telly isn't appealing to me.

My friend felt the baby kick for the first time today, which was nice. So that makes a total of four people to feel it, including me.

I'm having a haircut tomorrow and i think i'm going to have it cut quite a bit shorter. I've never been one to be overly concerned about getting my hair done, nor overly dismayed with a bad haircut. Hair grows. If i don't like it i'll tie it up for a few weeks and grow it out. I just fancy something a lot lower maintenance. Long hair is great, but it's harder to wash, dry and straighten and i can't be naffed.

I start my kick counting tomorrow. I have to pick a two hour section of the day and count until the baby kicks ten times and mark down the time it took to get there. If i don't reach ten in two hours i need to drink something cold, walk around and try again. If i don't reach ten in the second two hours i go to hospital to get checked out. Studies have shown that babies who were stillborn moved less prior to passing away. I don't suppose there's always anything they can do, but it makes me feel like i'm doing something. You know. So i'm picking 7.30ish in the evening to start because that's when the baby is the most active. Well, then and just as i'm trying to get to sleep! Ha ha!

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