Wednesday, 29 October 2008

29 weeks

I can't believe i am 29 weeks pregnant! In some ways i feel more pregnant than that and in some ways far less. It's very odd. There's no mistaking my belly and my line has made a reappearance (linea nigra).

I'm not getting great sleep on a night though. Last night i was awake even more than the previous night. I wake up to turn over, get another pillow, loose the pillow, take some Rennies, have a drink or go to the loo. LOL! It's a bloody good job i'm at home all day to catch up on sleep!!

I've not been having many bad thoughts recently - hope i haven't 'spoke' too soon about that. I definitely think that getting the dates of my losses out of the way has helped a lot. It's not that i don't think about it now, but more like i don't dwell on it if you know what i mean.

My blood sugars are still great, but being diabetic still sucks badgers balls. I really, really, really hope i don't get type 2 later on cause it's CRAP! And i'm only borderline so i can still eat some bad stuff.

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